i mentioned to Bill (& all & sundry probably) that i was looking for the unions for the oil cooler pipes to the engine for my #10 srx.
no-one seemed to know where to find them (not listed in fowlers), i was in my local yamaha dealers and asked Phil (he who never throws anything away) the parts manager if he still had his microfiche of srx marques. no, but he did have the printed parts list for every marque of srx 6's & 4's !! took him 15 mins to find the book and 2 mins to find the oil cooler section for 1JK's ... and a part number for the unions, superseded, but hey! in stock at european HQ. result.
so i upload the page for your edification.
would there be any mileage in blagging the book off him and photocopying it (100+ pages) and posting it on here ?
answers/solutions invited
and here's one the right way up
or not! sod it, you'll just have to stand on your head