Could be a duff battery... Try jumping it off another vehicle to confirm. If it works, then your battery is gubbed.
The skorpion did this. Bumping was a sweaty (but eventually successful) process. However, it gave a bit of forewarning by cranking slower.
Translation: "Am am going to fail you. Most likely when you are in a hurry, in leather on a hot day at the bottom of a hill. Change the battery"
I charged it, and it was fine for a while, but on a cold monday, having sat all weekend, it chuckled to itself, having checked my diary, and saw its keeper had a meeting with his gaffer at 9-30....
Also I'd check the starter earth strap. And yes, there is something to be said for kickstarts! The DR battery is totally shot, I mean completely. But the engine still runs (even if the tacho is going wild!) when you kick it.
Cheers for now mate. Good luck!