Morning Ian,
From a cool (13°C), grey and drizzly Perthshire, sorry to read of your electrickery woes. The SRX Mono had a similar set up that I removed when rebuilding, just too many "features"!
I too use Britannia Rescue and have done for getting on for 40 years, or thereabouts. Car, motorcycle, regardless of which one or where the breakdown has occured, I have only found them wanting once, on a Friday night, at 17:30 on the shore of the Holy Loch! No agent available to uplift, offered to pay all accomodation expenses until something could be organised for the Saturday morning. However, the garage at Inverary came to the rescue (don't do uplifts) and after dismantling the bike and jury rigging the throttle cables, I was able to ride home on a constant throttle (60ish) arriving in the early hours.
MoT for the Mono next week, with new steering head bearings, rebuilt forks (ATF Dexron III) not some "special" fork oil of unknown viscosity (There's a scam. if there ever was!) and new Michelin Street Pilot Radials fitted. A bit different from Avon RoadRider MKII's!
Good health and I hope you can get the wee beastie sorted to your liking. Bill