Aye Ian,
Thank you for the PM. Neat, but ....... no sure?
The SRX is looking very clean and tidy. Any chance of some side on views of the whole machine, please?
A word of warning, having fitted the same headlamp unit to the Duke 450 and wired the driving light ring to show white as yours is, it failed after less than 200 miles from fitting! However, the headlamp dip beam certainly gets attention when used as a running light. Main beam takes a bit of getting used to, as it doesn't appear to illuminate objects the same as an H4 bulb. If the objects have no reflective qualities, then it all appears to be an amorphous mass, consequently your depth of vision is reduced. The dip beam has a really sharp cut-off, which is good for not dazzling oncoming traffic and I had to raise the headlamp a touch, so as to maximise the beam penetration, but remain within the (MoT) limits.
I suspect as a by product of my not understanding electrickery and having the brake light wired to the front brake via a compression switch, the two side LED light up when braking!
Hope it generates some discussion at Stafford.
Out for a quick canter on the Mono this afternoon and still finding the wide profile tyres not as easy to ride through the corners as Sally twin shock's narrow profiles. Are you still finding the Dunlop radials are a good choice?
Good health, Bill