Author Topic: Yet more bovine excreta  (Read 692 times)


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1 Speed400 1 C400X -2 thumpers


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Re: Yet more bovine excreta
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2022, 01:08:37 PM »
I am heartily sick of these scare-mongering stories, as Ian says 'bovine excreta'. Why must the media try and keep people in a permanent state of anxiety? Why do people fall for this rubbish all the time?

I know the present government here in the uk is one of the worst ever but even they can't fight huge corporations making billions of dollars/pounds who will not simply roll over and say 'oh fair enough we had a good run'.

Leave aside the incongruity of trying to ban one of the answers to traffic congestion, leave aside the contradictions of moving to 'net zero' and all that is impossible about that, leave aside the emerging problems which will prevent electric vehicles being more than a temporary obsession and that still leaves China who make shitloads of the small bikes in the world and they don't like being pushed around by anyone.

I think a total boycott of scare-monger publications should be put into place.

Spartacian the pissed off.

P.S. don't stir up the Chinese as I haven't got this year's calendar from the take-away yet.


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Re: Yet more bovine excreta
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2022, 04:05:36 PM »
I agree with all that Ian, the whole thing is a huge con, and environmentalism is just a convenient peg to hang it on.

In order to confirm that the powers that be have completely lost their marbles (if they ever had any), I learnt recently that they are banning A1 class bikes earlier in 2030. That means that my little CB125F which takes about as much energy and raw materials to produce as a bicycle, and does 180mpg will be banned before the Hyabusa. Words fail me....
2023 Royal Enfield Meteor 350
2021 Honda CB125F


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Re: Yet more bovine excreta
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2022, 09:05:46 AM »
Hi Pete

I couldn't agree more. If anything shows that all this environmentalist nonsense means nothing. It is all just lip-service as are so many government policies.

What makes me really angry is the dead-heads who fall for it all hook, line and sinker and then get all high and mighty because those of us still able to think don't see it their way. I am heartily sick of environmentalists, vegans, trans anything etc etc.

I care about the planet, equality, being decent etc, but I don't find a need to bang on about it all the time, like most people I've met on TC I just get on with doing my bit.

Harumph and humbug.

Spartacian the thoroughly fed up.


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Re: Yet more bovine excreta
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2022, 11:25:25 PM »
Aye, there's none as zealous as a convert!  ;)

Be comfortable in your own skin.

Good health, Socrates mate!  ;)