Author Topic: Slightly biased opinion  (Read 395 times)


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Slightly biased opinion
« on: June 18, 2022, 01:21:15 PM »
Afternoon chaps, (ladies?) I finally got chance to ride over to Holme upon Spalding Moor yesterday. Went over to see my old mate who has just opened his new biker cafe. So just thought I’d give him/it another unashamed plug, good grub and plenty to choose from on the blackboard. He has a couple of bikes in there to look at and a small’ish section with clothing. It’s obviously early days as he’s only been open a few weeks but if you’re in the area call in and have a bacon butty and a delicious home made cake 🧁.  It’s now got new signs up and it called “Ernie B’s” it’s on the main road out of Holme upon spalding moor to Bridlington. It’s about a 300 mile round trip from here, had cracking weather but roads were busy.
I said I’d give him/it a plug so long as the grub was decent.... it was 👍
Cheers, Michael


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Re: Slightly biased opinion
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2022, 03:09:03 PM »
Thanks Michael

Always good to hear of another bike cafe which serves good food. Bit far from me for a day trip, but certainly one to consider for inclusion in a camping trip in the future.
