I reckon if there is enough float to knock pads back then the engneer who designed them needs taking round the back and given a damn good kicking!!
I've compared it with lots of other discs recently (gets you funny looks when you say "mind if I have a look at your discs"? then start waggling peoples brakes!) and generally the float is so minimal that you can barely feel any movement.
Pat had a go on the Mastiff at the rally and will attest to the efficiency of my front brake (
) but I had, as mentioned before, about 1mm both radially and side to side. Not good I've decided so I did the necessary and bought a replacement... £84.85 plus vat
**** me that hurt every tightwad bone in my body! Basically a hair under £100 delivered to my door
Having said that, the new one has almost no float and *doesn't* rattle like castanets... so I'm quite sure it's damn sight safer (and a lot less annoying over cobbles etc).
Also I have to put a good word in for "Phill" the MuZ spares bloke at BSA Regal in Southampton. He seems to know his stuff and everything I've ordered has been the right part in double quick time. I no longer use a dealer to buy standard bits for the Mastiff...
Ho hum, sorted now