Thumper Club Forum

Club House => Chatter => Topic started by: guest7 on July 26, 2006, 09:00:21 AM

Title: mechanical woes
Post by: guest7 on July 26, 2006, 09:00:21 AM
As some of you know I won a roll of duct tape along with the prize for scruffiest bike at the annual rally last weekend. On the ride back to Wales I got to the Severn Bridge and found that the bolt securiing the torque arm to the front brake plate had dropped out.


I managed to lash it all together with a spare bolt from the toolbox and some tape to stop it vibrating loose again.

Turns out that the outfit's front wheel is (I think) a 16" VT250 wheel with a CBX550 brakeplate - it just gets stranger and stranger. I have been unable so far to get anything even approaching good braking so a plan B might involve fitting a 16" CBX 750 wheel that I have spare. Shame really as the rest of the outfit (GB/Wasp) has been put together really well.

For example, I was going to do an oil change the other day and had squeezed myself between the bike and chair to get at the sump bolt - except there wasn't a sump bolt there! I was mystifiied, there was obvioulsy something stuck in the hole stopping the escape of oil, but how was I going to chage it? After a bit of head scratching I thought "I wonder if they've moved it?" and sure enough a previous owner had added a drain plug to the right hand side of the engine. This means that oil changes are now a doddle and you can even use one tub for the engine drain, tank drain and filter cover at the same time.

Title: Re: mechanical woes
Post by: guest27 on July 27, 2006, 02:08:35 PM
It is funny what some people ger all excited about, only yesterday I was viewing a friends collection of coffee perculators and marveling at some of the mechanics....

Oil change - Mmmm what is that, never needed to on the Triton - it just fell out of its own accord.